This is my About page and aims to give you a bit of background about this site. My name is Taras Kulakov and I am the one who runs Knivesngear.com.
As a boy, I grew up in the mountains and was handed my first knife by my dad when I approached manhood. Activities like hunting, camping, and exploring were on the top of our list of weekend getaways. He thought it was important to teach me the essentials of always having the proper gear in order to provide for myself in case of emergencies. Things like EDC knives, rope, and the ability to start a fire were obvious, but there were others that I had to learn about through years of trial and error and by only being outdoors for several days at a time.
He took a hands-on approach to also help me realize the importance of planning for the unexpected. He knew that there were lessons that I could only learn by using my gear and my wits to survive in the mountains. As I became a man I found that some of the gear I bought was cheap and couldn’t even handle the task it was made for. Other brands and quality gear could last your whole life and, as in my dad’s case, be passed on to your kin.
Over time as I searched the internet that there is a SERIOUS lack of information on quality survival and prep gear. There is so much information out there that it can also be difficult to sift through it to find what you need. Building this site was important to me because I wanted to offer people a place where they could compare prices, quality of gear, and basic information all in one easy to use the site. One place that could offer straight FACTS to compare directly seems to be hard to find.
I decided to create charts to compare hard facts on EDC knives and survival gear to make it easier to see side by side. Researching and analyzing all the information out there wasn’t easy, but it’s made for a quality site that makes answers easily visible.
Anyone who knows about every brand out there is likely not going to be on the internet blogging their findings, but I’ve taken the time to study as many knives and essential gear as possible. I’ve also provided the most detailed information and easy to use resource that I could with information that is available on the internet.
The goal is to make all of the details and information I find easy to digest so that you can make an educated and confident purchase. Different customers have different needs and I’ve made it my goal to help each and every reader find what they need, whether their main priority is saving money or preparing for their next adventure.
As I learn more I’ll be putting more reviews, videos, and studies up for you to check out. All in all, I hope this site helps your find the Best EDC Knives and survival gear for your buck.