Pocket knives are undoubtedly one of the most useful and commonly used tools all around the world. As pocket knives are being used for so many purposes, there are different laws and rules of using it. These laws vary from country to country of even state to state. In the US, different states has different laws for using or carrying pocket knives. We are going to describe all these laws state by state and we will not leave any single confusion for you.
U.S. Knife Laws
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) provided brief summaries about the laws of using pocket knives across the states. We have divided these laws according to certain categories. We will describe those broadly.
Types of Knives You Can Legally Carry
American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) has declared the list regarding the types of knives that will be considered as illegal if any common citizen carry them. These are the following knife types that are not included on that list. Means you can carry them with no worries.
- Multi-tool Devices
- Utility Knives
- Swiss Army Knives
- Any other knives containing a blade less than 2.5 inches
Places Where It’s Illegal to Carry Knives in the U.S.
There are some particular places where you can’t carry knives or any other weapons. These places are highly sensitive and classified. Most of them are government organizations and offices. So these are the places you can’t carry a knife.
- Military Bases
- Airports or Onboard Planes
- Government Buildings
- Courts
- Schools or Other Educational Institutes
U.S Knife Ownership and Carry Laws
There are certain categories of knives that you can’t legally carry. It depends on the shapes, types and length of the knives. Moreover, when you are intending to carry a knife attached to the vehicle, in some states it might be permissible where in the other states will consider it as a break of law. Some states permit carrying a knife with vehicle depending in the visibility. However, it is undeniable that the laws and rules of having and carrying a knife varies from states to states in the U.S.
Types of Knives
There are a lot of confusion about the types of knives and people actually mixed them up and don’t have the clear conception about which one is permissible and which one is not. So at first I’m going to describe the types of knives that are basically available in every single state in the U.S.
- Fixed Blade: These are the knives that you use in your kitchen. These knives are attached to the handle and can’t be separated or folded. You can’t even switch them off. These knives are used by the professional cooks to cut the vegetables, fruits, and meats or any other foods in the kitchen.
- Folding Knives: These knives can be folded when necessary. These knives are basically used in camping trips or other unprofessional works.
- Switchable Knives: There you have a little bit of confusion. The definition of switchable knife is quite confusing. The switchable knives are those, whose blade can be opened by pressing any button or using the inertia or gravity. These knives are arising some confusion in the general mass as the permission of owning and carrying these knives varies from states to states.
- Bowie Knives: The design was discovered by Jim Bowie. The blade of the knife is quite large.
- Dagger: These knives contain sharp edges in both sides.
- Stilleto: The design of these knives has been made for stabbing purposes. The blade is smooth and thin.
Now we will be describing all the knife laws in brief, state by state.
1. Alaska State Knife Laws:
Alaska does not prohibit any particular types of knives as long as you are 21 or over. But you can’t carry them in any school or government offices. However, If you want to carry a knife all over Alaska then you must take the permission of the Chief Administrative Officer. Read more.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
2. Arizona State Knife Laws:
Anything can be carried by the citizens over 21. You just have to tell the cops that you are carrying one. However, while interrogation you must let the cop know every single reason why you carry it and you have to convince them that you are not intending to harm anyone. Show your license to them if they ask for it. Carrying knives in public places are illegal.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
3. Arkansas State Knife Laws:
Arkansas prohibits carrying a knife for the people that are carrying it for any criminal purposes. Otherwise you are free to go. Even though you are not bound to have a license for carrying a knife but you have to carry the knife without revealing them. Even though there is no limit of the blade length but yu cant carry them in public.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
4. Alabama State Knife Laws:
The state of Alabama has given the fundamental right to every citizen to bear or carry any kind of arms in case of self defense. Also the Alabama court has passed the law that no residents can carry a knife in public places. Remember, The purpose should be only self defense or protecting your family and property.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
5. California State Knife Laws:
California has the strictest laws in the whole U.S. in case of carrying knives. There are restrictions in carrying some types of knives. Carrying folding knives are okay, but dagger or dirk knives should be carried in a leather sheath. The knives should be carried in the waist and must be visible. Los Angeles and San Francisco has more strict laws. Not permissible in public places.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 2.5 inches
6. Colorado State Knife Laws:
The state allows the citizens to carry almost every types of knife as long as the blade doesn’t exceed 3.5 inches. Switchblades, Gravity knives, foldable pocket knives are just perfectly fine. Colorado has the most moderate law among all the other states in the US. The laws does not give you the full freedom while giving you the right to own and carry them for valid reasons.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 3.5 inches
7. Connecticut State Knife Laws:
Connecticut laws prevents the citizens to own or carry any kind of knives other than home use. However, in special causes you can carry a foldable knife with a blade not longer than 1.5 inches and a fixed blade not longer than 4 inches. In that case you have to own a license from the administrative office. To be remembered, license will not give you the permission to carry them in any public places.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 1.5 inches
8. Florida State Knife Laws:
Florida State law permits the citizens to carry any kind of knives in case of self defense. The state allows the recreational use of self defense and the people can carry any kind of knives unless they don’t intend to harm anyone. Also the knife should be hidden while carrying.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 4 inches
9. Georgia State Knife Laws:
Any kind of knives with a blade less than 12 inches are permitted to use including daggers, pocket knives, machetes, stilettos, butterflies, and ballistic knives. But everyone has to have a valid license before they own or carry one. While carrying the knife the person must have to let the cops know that he is carrying one if the officers approach them.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 12 inches
10. Hawaii State Knife Laws:
Switchblades, Butterfly knives, Dirks, Metal knuckles, and Daggers are some particular knife types that are illegal to own and carry in the Hawaii state. However, folding pocket knives are allowed in the state. But there are some rules you have to abide by. You can’t carry knives in the school, colleges and other institutions and also knives cannot be carried in government and non-government offices and apartments.
Illegal Knife Types: Switchblades, Butterfly knives, Dirks, Metal knuckles, and Daggers.
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
11. Idaho State Knife Laws:
Idaho State allows the citizen to carry any kinds of knives without revealing them. Any citizen over 18 can carry a knife for self defense, camping, or any other valid reason. Selling knives other than pocket knaves in Idaho is totally prohibited and unlawful. However, license is not required for carrying a knife in Idaho but don’t dare to carry them in public gathering, schools or offices.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
12. Illinois State Knife Laws:
Illinois is one of the very few states in the US that permits the use of knives depending on the intension of the person. If the particular citizen carries it for a valid cause than it’s okay. You might face some interrogation by the cops. If you can’t answer their question properly and fail to convince them you might dace some trouble.
Illegal Knife Types: Switch Knives, Ballistic Knives.
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
13. Indiana State Knife Laws:
Different kinds of knives are permissible here apart from ballistic knives. Indiana provides maximum freedom in carrying knives. Here you are allowed to carry pocket folding knives, dirks, switch knives, and all other types. The reason why ballistic knife is not permitted it smooth to understand. Ballistic knives are restricted in most states in the US for it’s random rough use and horrific history.
Illegal Knife Types: Ballistic Knives
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
14. Iowa State Knife Laws:
Iowa has a little bit strict law in knife owning and carrying. Knife with more than 5 inches long blade are not permissible in Iowa state. No wonder, ballistic and switch knives are illegal here. However, a citizen can carry a knife bellow 5 inches blade. and they must own a knife license. But carrying a knife in public places is not lawful and you might face trouble for doing so.
Illegal Knife Types: Ballistic Knives, Switch Knives
Blade Length Limit: 5 inches
15. Kansas State Knife Laws:
Kansas does not have any restrictions in owning and carrying knives. But no one carry carry knives in school, or other government offices. Apart from restrictions, you have to carry knives without revealing the blade. They must be carried under the garments and the daggers must be carried inside a leather sheath.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
16. Kentucky State Knife Laws:
Kentucky allows the citizens to carry any types of knives as a self defender to defend the family and wealth. You don’t have to own a license or there are no particular type restriction. Even, the state law allow the citizens to own and carry any types of knives with a blade of any length.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
17. Louisiana State Knife Laws:
Any knives with a blade length limit of 5 inches are allowed. But carrying a knife in a public place is illegal and you might be questioned by the officers if you do so. You can’t carry them in bus, schools and other institutions. Carrying a knife with more than 5 inches blade might be a cause of interrogation.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 5 inches
18. Los Angeles State Knife Laws:
Los Angeles does not have any restrictions in owning and carrying knives. But no one can carry knives in school, or other private and government offices. Carrying a knife in public in Los Angeles are allowed as long as you are carrying them invisibly and safely.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
19. Maine State Knife Laws:
Maine state permits it’s citizens to own and carry any types of knife with a blade of any length. This state is one of the very few states in the whole US that provides the maximum freedom in case of owning and carrying a knife. Carrying a dagger must be done inside a leather sheath.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
20. Maryland State Knife Laws:
Maryland has a clear length restriction in case of knife blades. Blade more than 3 inches can not be carried in the state. Whether you have a license or not, carrying a knife with more than 3 inches blade might make you face some trouble. And yes, the students can’t carry them inside the schools.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 3 inches
21. Massachusetts State Knife Laws:
Carrying a knife with more than 1.5 inches blade is illegal in Massachusetts. Other than this, every types of knives are legal in this state. Massachusetts allows the lowest blade length among all the states in the US. Ballistic knives are permissible for limited causes.
Illegal Knife Types: Ballistic
Blade Length Limit: 1.5 inches
22. Michigan State Knife Laws:
These are the knives that you can carry in Michigan: daggers, throwing, belt, butterfly, gravity, and switchblades. There is no limitation regarding the blade length. Every citizen can carry the upper types of knives with a blade of any length. The state citizens are often seen using knives for fishing or hunting purposes.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
23. Minnesota State Knife Laws:
All kinds of knives and firearms are restricted in this state. Manufacturing, buying or selling a knife is considered as illegal in Minnesota. A citizen have to have a license for carrying a knife. Moreover, a person can’t own a knife if he/she intends to harm others. However, there is no particular list of knife types that are restricted, but the citizens are not allowed to carry a knife with a blade more than 4 inches.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 4 inches
24. Mississippi State Knife Laws:
Mississippi does not ban any particular type of knife but any knife with more than 4 inches blade is illegal. Also the law prevents from carrying knives in school, private property, institutions or government offices. But you might carry it if you have the permission of the reverent administration.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 4 inches
25. Missouri State Knife Laws:
Missouri states preserves the right of owning and carrying knives for the citizens for protecting home, family or property. Carrying a knife in public for self defense is considered to be perfectly legal. But switchblades and the knives containing more than 4 inches blade are not permitted.
Illegal Knife Types: Switchblades
Blade Length Limit: 4 inches
26. Montana State Knife Laws:
Montana has recently updated their prohibition laws. Dirks, daggers, and sword canes are no longer illegal. After this friendly change in prohibition, switchblades have also been permitted and can be used by any citizen with an intention of harming no one. The blade length limit is 4 inches for normal knives and 1.5 inches in case of switchblades.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 4 inches
27. Nebraska State Knife Laws:
Nebraska state law allows the residents and visitors to own and carry knives of any types. Although there are some rules and regulations regarding the blade size. The knife with 3.5 blade are fine and the residents can not carry them in public places like schools, streets, buses or any other public transports. They are also not allowed to carry them in government and non government offices.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 3.5 inches
28. Nevada State Knife Laws:
Nevada state law permits the residents to carry any types of knives containing a blade of 3 inches. You need the sheriff’s permission to carry more than 3 inches. Carrying a knife in such a place where multiple people are gathered is not permitted.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 3 inches
29. New Hampshire State Knife Laws:
New Hampshire has the most friendly law in the list. The low abiding citizen will love the states for the knife laws at least. There is no restrictions in carrying a knife as long as the person in 18 and does not intend to harm anyone. However there is also no limitations in blade size. Even though you are not required to have a weapon license but carrying in public will be considered as a major crime and worth interrogation.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
30. New Jersey State Knife Laws:
New Jersey state law prohibits the citizens to carry the following types of knives: gravity knives, dirks, daggers, switchblades, ballistic. Also other knives that are considered to be dangerous and deadly are also prohibited. Anyone can own different types of knives at home for self defense or protecting family and property. But carrying one outside of home is illegal and worth of interrogation. You might find yourself in a problematic situation if you don’t have any explanation of carrying it.
Illegal Knife Types: Gravity knives, Dirks, Daggers, Switchblades, Ballistic Knives.
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
31. New Mexico State Knife Laws:
New Mexico state law prevents the citizens from carrying concealed knives and some types are totally restricted and the citizens can not even own them. Dirks, Daggers, Bowie, Switchblades are completely illegal and no one can own them even with license. Pocket folding knives are permitted to carry but restricted in public places like school, public transport. Keeping all these rules in mind the administration has declared that the residents can take permission from the local authority to use the forbidden knives by showing valid cause like fishing, or hunting.
Illegal Knife Types: Dirks, Daggers, Bowie, Switchblades
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
32. New York State Knife Laws:
Like some other states, New York state law has built their statement depending on the intention of the citizens. If someone intends to harm others, he will not be given permission to carry even a simple pocket knife with one and half inches blade. However, New York state law does not permit any knife with a blade that is designed for making a deadly weapon. Although it’s legal to own and carry daggers, dirks, stilettoes, or hunting knives, but completely illegal to carry ballistic knives, cane swords, or even metal knuckles. An unlawful act can cause a critical interrogation by the state police. A knife with a blade more than 4 inches is prohibited.
Illegal Knife Types: Ballistic knives, Cane Swords
Blade Length Limit: 4 inches
33. North Carolina State Knife Laws:
The state has much similarity with New Mexico in case of knife laws. North Carolina also does not allow the residents to carry concealed knives. Also the person who wants to own or carry one must own a license. Without a license, no one can even carry a folding pocket knife which is permitted in most of the states. The strict rule is also applicable for the police officers. Moreover, Manufacturing, buying and selling knives in North Carolina is also illegal and worth interrogation and even punishment.
Illegal Knife Types: All types of knives are restricted
Blade Length Limit: Not Applicable
34. North Dakota State Knife Laws:
Owning or carrying any firearm or knife is considered to be a major illegal act in North Dakota. The law directs that no residents can have a knife neither do they contain the right to carry any kind of knives. However, if anyone wants to own or carry a knife for self defense or protecting the family or property, they must have a weapon license from North Dakota administration or CCW by the state. A point to remember, even though you can have a knife with the license but you don’t get the permission to carry them in public places like schools, hospitals or offices.
Illegal Knife Types: All types of knives are restricted
Blade Length Limit: Not Specified
35. Ohio State Knife Laws:
Again, Ohio state focus on the intention of the individual rather than the knife type or blade length. Even the switchblades and swords are acceptable if the explanation of carrying is valid. You don’t even have to own a license for that. However, you might need to let the cops know you are carrying one as soon as they approach you. A valid explanation will make you feel relief. Like the other states, carrying knife in public places are also restricted in Ohio.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
36. Oklahoma State Knife Laws:
Oklahoma state allows every types of knives although there are some restrictions. Every residents can carry a knife with a blade of any length but can’t carry these following types: Axes, throwing stars, machetes, and tomahawks. These unusual types are pretty uncommon in the US and also very deadly. These weapons are considered to be dangerous and fatal for their bloody history. All typical common knives are legal to own and carry including the switchblades and pocket knives. And you don’t need to own a license for that. But like all the states, carrying knife in public is always prohibited and considered as a crime.
Illegal Knife Types: Axes, throwing stars, machetes, and tomahawks
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
37. Oregon State Knife Laws:
The majority of ruling of carrying knives depends on the court ruling in this state. The state is more restrictive on knives rather than any other weapons or firearms. But the straightforward law declared that a blade more than 4.75 inches is not permissible to carry. Even though daggers, switchblades, and dirks are legal to own or carry without having a license, but the residents can’t carry them to any public spots or mass gathering.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 4.75 inches
38. Pennsylvania State Knife Laws:
Pennsylvania state knife laws are quite strict and restrictive. All the knives that have automatic mechanism are strictly prohibited to own and carry. Also the knife designed to cause serious bodily injuries are illegal to carry. Even a weapon license will not help you get the permission. Carrying a knife in public or carrying it for any unlawful purpose is a major crime in the state of Pennsylvania. However, pocket knives and other normal knives are permissible and you need no license to own or carry them. But the rule of carrying them in public remains the same, You can’t carry them in public places.
Illegal Knife Types: Switchblades
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
39. Rhode Island State Knife Laws:
Rhode Island is state with low strict and friendly laws. There are no particular knife types o it’s restriction list. Even though there are restriction in carrying the knives. A resident can’t carry a knife in public transport such as buses, schools, colleges, hospitals or any other institutions. Carrying a knife is corporal offices, or government building is considered as an unlawful act.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
40. South Carolina State Knife Laws:
South Carolina gives permission to carry every single types of knives which makes this state a friendly one regarding knife laws. Switchblade, Daggers, Dirks, Butterfly knives, or Bowie knives are completely legal to own and carry. However, carrying them in public will be considered as crime and if the intention of carrying is unlawful and the carrier has the intention to commit a crime than the law is not the same as it is.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
41. South Dakota State Knife Laws:
South Dakota consider knives as deadly weapons and there are some restrictions regarding knife ownership and carrying. Ruling on carrying a knife in public remains the same. Schools, Banks, Public transports are restricted places to carry knives. Having a license for owning a knife is not mandatory and there is no specific blade length limit. The state law focus on the intention of the individual rather than the knife type or lade length.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
42. Tennessee State Knife Laws:
Tennessee state allows the citizens to own or carry almost any types of knives. The law also allows the manufacturing, buying or selling blade items. The citizen can carry either a concealed or a open knife. There is no limitation in blade length. In a word, if you are 18 you can carry any kind of knife in the whole state with no fear of interrogation by the cops. Yes, for sure, if anyone intend to commit a crime with it, the law will not remain the same for that individual. The knife of Tennessee was updated in 2014 and since then all kinds of knives are permitted to carry including the pocket folding knives and switchblades.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
43. Texas State Knife Laws:
Unlike the strict states Texas has given the flexibility to the residents and visitors in case of carrying knives and firearms. Texas state constitution has declared that any citizen and visitors can carry any sort of firearms and knifes with a blade of any length for self defense, hunting or angling. As Texas is famous for it’s tourist spots and fishing areas, knives are proven to be one of the most necessary tools and the administration understands it. The knives can be carried in public places too without having the intension of committing any sort of crime or unlawful activity.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
44. Utah State Knife Laws:
Utah knife law permits every citizen to own or carry any kinds of knives according to their past crime history. If any individual has already committed any crime he will have to take permission from the legal authority to own or carry any kind of knife or firearm. So if your history is clean, you are permitted to own and carry all types of knives including folding and switchblades. Moreover, you are not required to own a license. Sounds cool?
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: No Limit
45. Vermont State Knife Laws:
Vermont does not allow the citizens to openly carry any knives, though concealed knives are permitted in the state, even in public places. Carrying a knife with a criminal intention goes out of this law. The states provides flexibility in ownership and carrying knives. No one needs to have a license for owning or carrying knife. But the people with a criminal history will need a police clearance and permission of the state administration for owning or carrying knife. The law also restrict the citizens to carry a knife with a blade more than 3 inches in length. The rule remains the same in case of switchblades.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 3 inches
46. Virginia State Knife Laws:
Virginia has some critical ruling in carrying knives. Though carrying knives in public places including schools and offices are legal but carrying a knife more than 3 inches blade is prohibited. The carrier must not have an intention of harming others. The carrying purpose should be only for self defense. Having a license is not required. There are some types that are restricted and carrying them will make you fall in trouble. The Virginia state knife laws has restricted bowie knives, dirks, machete, ballistic knife, oriental dart, switchblade knife, throwing star, or any other deadly weapons.
Illegal Knife Types: Bowie knives, Dirks, Ballistic knives, Oriental darts, Switchblades, or any other deadly weapons.
Blade Length Limit: 3 inches
47. Washington State Knife Laws:
As Washington is a conservative state for being the official state of the government of the US, owning and carrying any types of knives or firearms are illegal in the state. No wonder, the state law has declared that all types of weapons are prohibited for the citizens. With or without license you can be an owner of a weapon including knives, guns and similar ones. The only related people who have the permission to carry and own knives are the military, law enforcement, fire and emergency medical service.
Illegal Knife Types: All types of knives are restricted
Blade Length Limit: Not Applicable
48. West Virginia State Knife Laws:
West Virginia has a clear and straightforward law regarding knife ownership and carrying. Anyone below the age 21 can not carry knives or any weapons. Carrying a knife or deadly weapons are considered to be a dangerous act. So concealed knives are much preferable. The citizens are not required to have a license but carrying knives or firearms in public will be an unlawful act in West Virginia for which you might face trouble regarding the police questioning.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 3.5 inches
49. Wisconsin State Knife Laws:
Same as the previous ones, Wisconsin state law does not restrict you to have a knife for a valid cause. Self defense, protecting family or property are the considerable causes to make it through. There is no age restriction in carrying knives though any citizen must not carry them in public places. Also the knives with more than 3 inches blade will be considered as illegal and unlawful to carry. If the officers queries about the weapons just let them know you are carrying one without any hesitation. As there is no particular restriction in knife types, you have to convince them by explaining your reason.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 3 inches
50. Wyoming State Knife Laws:
Wyoming State has defined the weapon as dangerous tools that cause bodily injury and serious damage to any person. Owning and carrying a knife is not permissible in the state. Not even for self defense in general. But, yes, with the permission of the administration and proper license, you can have one. The people with bad criminal history and drug users are totally prohibited from owning and carrying any kinds of knives. However, accessing a knife in public has the same ruling as the other states. You can’t carry them in public. And the knife blade length limit in 3 inches.
Illegal Knife Types: N/A
Blade Length Limit: 3 inches
51. Delaware State Knife Laws:
Delaware state laws strictly restricts the citizens from using any kind of deadly weapon. All the knives with a blade more than 3 inches are called to be a deadly weapons and one can not carry them with out a proper license. However, having a license will not allow you to carry these knives in public places. The license will just permit you to use the knife in valid causes like self defense, or protecting family and property. And switchblades are completely forbidden to own and carry.
Illegal Knife Types: Switchblades
Blade Length Limit: 3 inches

Hi, my name is Taras Kulakov and I’m a knife enthusiast. I have been collecting knives for over 30 years and I’ve owned literally thousands of different models over that time. My goal with this site is to share some of what I’ve learned about knives. You can find more info about Taras Kulakov here.